Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nursery Preview!

I made this crib skirt for baby "E's" room this weekend, and I LOVE it!

It's so girly and fun, and took FOREVER!


* Ashley * said...

How stinkin cute is that??? You might have to come and help me when I have a kid!! I am SO excited for you

Kaija said...


The Radmall's said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! I absolutely LOVE it!!

Courtney Price ~ Vintage Ginger Peaches said...

Oh my GOSH that is the most beautiful thing EVER! Can I post it on my blog? So cute!

Heather Inns said...

Very cute, good job Ambs!

Sammy @ Paisley and Me said...

That's gorgeous Ambs! I love it! Excited to see you all this weekend!

THE HYDE'S!!!!!!! said...

Love, Love, Love it!!!! You might have to teach me how! It was so fun seeing you! You look so stinkin' cute!

The Shepherd Family said...

ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!! Now, you should make a white or baby pink one for Tessa's room ;) Actually, did you find a tutorial online to do that? if so, I'd love the info so I can make one too.....

Kate said...

This is adorbula! I bet it did take forever, and took tons of fabric!

Amber Horch said...

I had no tutorial, sorry. I saw one like it and decided I could just make one! It is pretty easy, just sew layers of ruffles onto a piece of fabric the length and width of the 3-4 sides (depending on how much you want to do) of the crib, and then attach that to a rectangle piece for the top. It took me 6-7 yards of fabric, sort of a lot, but with inexpensive fabric it was still less than $30.

Misty said...

can you make me one in white? I have a paypal acct, or do you have an etsy store? This is exactly what I am looking for! Someone pinned this on pinterest and I was hoping it was linked to a store so I could just buy one! my email is

R1se Hluoluo said...

Bukan sekedar mengikuti trend, ternyata faedah bercocok tanam untuk kesehatan psikis tidak dapat disepelekan. Grounding ini menolong seorang lebih berguna karena membantu makhluk hidup lain. Jika sukses tumbuh, akan ada rasa optimisme min.

Bahkan antiknya, menurut riset di tahun 2007, bakteri sehat berbentuk Mycobacterium vaccae yang berada di pasir dapat meningkatkan produksi serotonin di otak. Hormon ini bisa memotret hingga seorang pekerja dapat berasa lebih.